CUP Contest #6 Winner

Okay, I’m going to make this short and sweet because I’m having a BLAST at Pre-Skepticon, and by “BLAST” I mean large quantities of Canadian Club and Diet Coke, but I did want to fulfill my promise to announce winners within 24 hours of the contest post. 

So, thank you all for playing, you lovely people, you.  And with no further delay:

This was the original photo challenge:

And the answer is:


Jana is awarded 100 points for her guess of “a cup of tea (0r weak coffee)”.  Incidentally, this is what we call “black coffee” in many offices around the United States, but “weak coffee” is also 100% accurate.

Carly, Erin B. and Vicki all get 20 points for listing correct answers.

Noelle and Jeremy each receive 10 points for participating, but sadly, without correct answers. 

I love you all, please don’t think otherwise, but I now must head back to the hotel bar area for more entertainment and CC and Coke!  But not so many that I am unable to appreciate the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part I) that we plan to see in 90 minutes.

Have a wonderful weekend!  I know I will 🙂


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