How successful were the SOPA and PIPA Blackouts?

Welcome back to the internet, everyone! Did you miss it? I missed it, but there were a couple of amusing highlights:

1) @herpderpedia – User @qrush made this Twitter account, which acted as a repository for all of the tweets from people freaking out about Wikipedia going dark. The F*bomb was dropped quite a bit, many users mourned the “death” of Wikipedia with RIPs, and there were  frantic queries from students about how they were supposed to finish reports. If you suffer from an overflow of hope for the human race, this will bring you back down with a healthy shot of cynicism.

WTF, Wikipedia!? How am I supposed to graduate now? Thanks for nothing! Image source

2) #FactsWithoutWikipedia was a  hilarious timesuck. People created stories, lies, satire and other “facts” about life, the universe and everything. And of course, a quick Wikipedia search was unable to dispel any of these during the blackout.

3) After a full day of laughing at those afflicted with #herpderpedia, I went to put together my write-up for this weekend’s interview with Sean Faircloth on Atheists Talk radio, and I had a moment of panic when I clicked on the bookmark of his wikipedia page and was denied.

Image source

Okay, it was a very quick moment of panic, because there were very simple work-arounds for getting to Wikipedia yesterday (after all the point was to raise consciousness about SOPA and PIPA, not to deny people access to the site). But, I decided to get my information the “old-fashioned” by going to the electronic sources of the information that Wikipedia articles mine to get their information. You know, the number two and three results that come up when you Google a subject.

Wikipedia has a page up now with their estimates of the success of the blackout. From Wikipedia:

Was the blackout successful?

The English Wikipedia joined thousands of other web sites in protesting SOPA and PIPA by blacking out its content for 24 hours. The purpose of the blackout was twofold: to raise public awareness, and to encourage people to share their views with their elected representatives.

During the blackout:

The page also reiterates some of the basic information about the bills, what we can to do keep up-to-date on SOPA and PIPA as they progress through Congress, and next steps that we can take in working to defeat SOPA/PIPA.

Wikipedia wasn’t the only site that went dark in protest of SOPA/PIPA. How was you day affected by yesterday’s blackouts?

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4 Responses to “How successful were the SOPA and PIPA Blackouts?”

  1. SOPA, PIPA Blackouts Dominate Headlines « My West Chester, PA Says:

    […] How successful were the SOPA and PIPA Blackouts? ( […]

  2. Ben (@deisum) Says:

    Also, reportedly on Tuesday, the count published here: was 39 for, 15 against. Right now, it stands at 33 for, 40 against.

  3. Mully410 Says:

    The blackouts successfully got me to got to the Library of Congress website and read the actual bills. I am not more scared of the people against the bills than I ever was about the bills.

    I found quite a few interesting pieces of this whole silliness. Here are two:

    1. Part of each bills would require search engines to disable sites. This would cost them money and time to setup that up so of course companies like Google and Microsoft would be against these bills. So if one is thinking the big corporations support these bills (stick to the man so to speak), they are correct but other big corporations are against theses bill.

    2. Another argument against these bills is they would supposedly stifle creativity. There isn’t any concrete evidence that that would happen but there is evidence that photographers and other artists don’t publish their works now because they are worried of theft. So creativity is being stifled already.

    I found nothing in the bills that is censorship unless one considers stopping and punishing thieves censorship. Hopefully, all this debate will bring about better legislation that will more easily protect photographers, artists and other creative types from thieving bastards.

  4. Mully410 Says:

    Ok…one more silly thing: These bills didn’t censor the internet the other day…people censored their own website. I find that ironic and funny.

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