Weekend Report

The weekend started off well – I won a raffle drawing at work!  Not to look a raffle win horse in the mouth, but it was a drawing put on by the new cafeteria company and the prizes were kind of hilarious.

Biodork is the proud owner of an 18-pack box of single-serving low-calorie Pringles – yeah!!!!!  Best win ever…the lottery can take a hike – I want the Pringles.  I wouldn’t joke about sour cream n’ onion.  And back off on the sweater-on-sweater action, yo.  I work at Our Lady of Perpetual Chilliness.)

On Saturday my friend Courtney took Aaron and I to Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America.  She had received four free unlimited ride passes, so we were off!  A day of amusement park rides and maybe some arcade games, and if we get in a really big double-dog-dare-you mood, we can go on the log water ride and walk around for a few hours with wet underwear and socks!

Anyone see a problem with this?  The Mall of America…on a Saturday…in the  middle of winter when all of the state of Minnesota is looking for indoor fun to appease the stir-crazy munchkins?  *shudders* It just highlights the fact that I’m a sucker for a deal.  Nickelodeon Universe unlimited passes are usually $30/person so Courtney was offering us $60 worth of free tickets. *I shake my head sadly* I sold my sanity for $60.

No, no, no…it wasn’t that bad!  I mean sure, the crowds were surly and the air was filled with the sound of crying babies and way-too-cool-for-you teenage valley girl screaming, but forget all that…I’m surrounded by rollercoasters and thrill rides!  This is the best picture of the entire day: Hubby with the Rock Bottom Plunge roller coaster in the background:

And I REALLY wanted to go on the Flying Dutchman’s Ghostly Gangplank adventure course, but it was over an hour in line, so we decided to come back on another day.  That’s the sweet thing about being so close to the Mall of America – I can visit on a Tuesday evening and practically have the entire place to myself.  Love it!

After Nickelodeon Universe, the three of us went to the best Mexican food restaurant in town: Little Tiajuana’s.  See, it says so right here (picture from citypages):

Later that night, Aaron and I went to a comedy club in Bloomington called the Juke Joint.  Between the owner, the emcee, the two featured comedians and then the main comedian – John Bush – we had a total of five comics, and they were all funny.  We didn’t have much for hecklers, but there was a fairly inebriated bachelorette party throwing out the occasional annoying comment.  As one comedian said “I know you think you’re making the show better, but no…that’s ME…in spite of you!”  Here’s some Jon Bush – who doesn’t love potty humor? 🙂

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2 Responses to “Weekend Report”

  1. Paula Says:

    BUSTED! You stole my sweater!

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