Cross-Country Connections: Landmarks

Cross-Country Connections is a biodork weekly blog entry dedicated to telling stories in pictures of three family members – me, my sister and Mom – living in very different locations across the country.  Every week we choose a different theme and then take a picture of something in our area that fits the theme. This week’s theme is Landmarks: Iconic landmarks that illustrate where we live/work/love.

From Mom in Carbondle, IL:

This picture truly represents Carbondale at this stage of my life.  The clock tower in the background is actually quite a recognizable landmark.  However, the building in the foreground – the one many of us, including myself weren’t sure would reopen before graduation – has come to represent not only my struggle but also my success both old and new.

From Erin in Bellingham, WA:

This was taken from the base of the Needle in the Seattle Center during Bumbershoot 2010, a fantastic music festival that my husband and I attended on our 1 year wedding anniversary.

From me in Minneapolis, MN

The Gold Flour Medal Factory sign can be seen from many parts of Minneapolis.  The long-since closed flour mill is now part of the Mill City Museum.  The old mill is located directly on the Mississippi River waterfront, and is intricately connected to the history of this city I love.


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