Do Want!

This is so fantastic that I could weep for joy.

MocOlympics Round 6 Dave Kaleta vs Giovanni Seynhaeve

There are more pictures of the froggie dissection at mocpages.  It’s just fabulous.

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4 Responses to “Do Want!”

  1. Posky Says:

    This is all kinds of screwed up AND awesome.

  2. Jana Says:

    How thankful I am for never being “given the option” to dissect a frog. Advantages of growing up in a place where teachers felt happy if they had chalk in the classroom, you know?

    But on a conceptual level, the Lego-dissection-tray has me excited! And I can totally see why you Do Want.

  3. Knit Frog Dissection « Biodork Says:

    […] This is almost as cool as the lego dissection! […]

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